First 1000 Days of Life
For Your Gut Immunity
A child’s overall development is largely dependent on the health of the mother. Research has shown that the most crucial window of opportunity for shaping a healthy gut microbiota and immune system is during the first 1000 days of life. With good colonisation of Bifidobacteria (good bacteria) early in life, the child can avoid many adverse health-related conditions such as asthma, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), eczema, inflammatory bowel disease during neonatal stage or later in life.
For this reason, FAMIBIOTICS was developed to help mothers in the transition to parenthood. Adopting a three-pronged approach to gut immunity, FAMIBIOTICS combined strains of Human Residential Bacteria (HRB) and Lactoferrin.
All with the specific health needs of mothers and children in mind during preconception, pregnancy, lactating stage and beyond.
Proprietary blend of Human Residential Bacteria (HRB) and Lactobacilli strains that are most unique and advanced in probiotic science.
Major protein in human breast milk conferring immunity. When taken together with ImmuG™ forms a total protection system in the gut..