
Lactoferrin in FAMIBIOTICS is a native active ingredient commonly found in breast milk. To ensure maximum benefits, Lactoferrin are derived from cow’s milk from grass-fed Bavarian cows with a high purity of around 95% and above. It is a glycoprotein known to be antiviral and antibacterial with a high affinity for iron. Its primary role is to remove free iron from immunity system and inhibits bacteria from proliferating in human cells. Essentially, it provides immune support to mother and infants.

And when you take Lactoferrin with Human-Residential Bifodobacteria, the result is a superior immune system that can fight common health conditions such as fever, cold and flu. It is proven to be effective in protecting our bodies from viral and bacterial infections.

Lactoferrin is also known as the “Pink Gold”. To be able to generate 1 kilo of Lactoferrin, you need 10,000 liters of milk and a top-notch technology.

Antiviral and anti bacterial

Derived from Bavarian grassfed cows with 95% high purity

Also known as Pink Gold , to generate 1 kg of Lactoferrin, you need 10,000 liters of milk and top notch technology

Lactoferrin effects against Rotavirus & Norovirus

Preventive effect against common cold-related symptoms