World’s 1st Pre + Probiotics Formula
with Lactoferrin
A formula consisting of Pre + Probiotics 您的 乳铁蛋白 由益生菌、益生元、乳铁蛋白和DHA组成的四倍配方,共同为您和您的孩子提供孕期和孩子成长阶段所必需的关键营养成分。
ImmuG™ —人类肠道常
Human Residential Bacteria in ImmuG®
- Unique human origin probiotics strains that are highly compatible with human body and human milk, conferring better efficacies.
- 超过1000篇科学论文的临床证明。
- 美国食品药品管理局USFDA颁发GRAS安全认证。
- 受新西兰、日本、澳大利亚、新加坡等多国医院信赖。
- 因珍贵而有“粉黄金”之称。 每一万升牛乳里只能提取出 1千克 乳铁蛋白。.
- 抗病毒、抗菌、抗炎、调节免疫等多种强大功能。
- 增强肠道免疫力、呼吸道健康&铁的吸收。
The joy of becoming a parent is wonderful, but the challenges during this journey is great too. Here in FAMIBIOTICS®, we understand that mothers and their babies may experience some undesirable conditions such as, gestational diabetes mellitus, postnatal depression, iron deficiency anemia, low birth weight, preterm birth and many more. Also, a child’s foundation of life long health is built over the first 1000 days of his life. It is during this crucial period that their optimum health, growth, and neurodevelopment is established.
Driven by the passion to provide physicians and families with the best health solutions in the world, FAMIBIOTICS® has developed an easy-to-use and comprehensive probiotics supplement that encompasses Lactoferrin, for scientifically proven health benefits across different life stages. With stringent selection of quality ingredients, state-of-the-art manufacturing and rigorous packaging processes, FAMIBIOTICS® strive to provide only the best health innovation for you and your family.